Maternal Care and Covid Material Support

CHF 90000
CHF 50.00

Address the mortality rates of women during pregnancy and childbirth


Treatments for mothers, especially during childbirth, should be a fundamental right and not a privilege. Unfortunately, in most parts of Africa, this is the case. Join HOPEVOICE Suisse to address the mortality rates of women during pregnancy and childbirth and advocate for better care and systems. In addition to providing Covid protection essential kits.

  1. Ensuring Access to Healthcare: Providing essential maternal and newborn health services despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

  2. Distribution of PPE: Supplying personal protective equipment to healthcare workers to keep them and their patients safe.

  3. Supporting Telehealth Services: Implementing telehealth solutions to ensure continuous care for pregnant women and new mothers.

  4. Community Education: Raising awareness about COVID-19 prevention, vaccination, and maternal health practices.

  5. Providing Nutritional Support: Ensuring that pregnant women and new mothers have access to nutritious food to support their health and that of their babies

Maternal Care and Covid Material Support

Maternal Care and Covid Material Support

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Donation Total: CHF 100.00